Examination Mode

Assessment takes the following forms :

  • Coursework for modules 1 and 4
  • An oral exam (module 2)
  • A paper essay (Module 3)
  • Writing a dissertation and defending it before a jury

Graduation requirements

The candidate is declared admitted if he/she obtains :

  • An average of at least 10/20 in coursework, oral and written exams
  • A grade of at least 10/20 in the dissertation

Graduation may be refused by the jury for students who have not attended more than 20% of the classes.

The dissertation is split into two parts, each one counting for 50%:

  • The first written document given by the supervisor
  • The second given by the jury on the basis of the dissertation defense. The jury may ask questions related to the content of the program. The jury is made of three members: a faculty member from the Pantheon ASSAS University, a faculty member from HEM Business School and a representative of the business world.

Honor awards are based on the participant’s GPA. This is calculated based on grades obtained quizzes, the oral and written exams (a weight coefficient of 1 for each component) and the dissertation (a weight coefficient of 3).

Honors are awarded according to the following marking scheme :

  • Pass: GPA <12
  • Fairly Good: GPA > = 12 and <14
  • Good: GPA > = 14 and <16
  • Very Good: GPA > = 16