Research orientations of Cesem

Research orientations

To achieve these objectives, research groups are made up around three main axes:


1. Organizations’ Management, Regulation and Modernization


This first research axis, given CESEM’s orientation, meets the scientific need to analyze management micro-economic mechanisms, while confronting them to macroeconomic regulation constraints and requirements and the reality of economic actors and structures.

In this context, CESEM chose to take particular interest in entrepreneurs and businesses under the sign of innovation and focus on (formal and informal) trade sector in order to analyze and examine entrepreneurial and socio-economic issues.


To deepen and internationalize the debate, reflection is conducted by researchers from various disciplines on the links between management and social sciences. They strive to ensure that the manager, as a pilot and a decision-maker, considers regulatory, social, economic and political needs.


2. Middle class and socio-economic development


The work initially conducted by CESEM within a generic study on middle class has been the trigger for a series of more specific studies, such as women's mobility in order to collect a set of empirical quantitative and qualitative data to check out to what extent the integration of the modern economic mode guarantees a greater access to middle class.

These sociological data thus helped on more specific studies, in conjunction with Marketing and HRM, and on the socio-economic profiles of each sector.


3. Morocco, territories and globalization


To serve as a guide to Moroccan enterprises and economic operators, it is necessary to take into consideration the major changes taking place beyond our borders, be it in terms of localization or new production processes and logistics.

That is why territories are considered as laboratories of new modes of governance through competition clusters. In the same vein, the agri-food sector is seen as a focal point of green economies, with all the expected turmoil in management methods and logistics.


Since these changes are measured taking into consideration external factors, CESEM conducts each year an updated analysis of issues related to international management.