Access to HEM

HEM’s Grande Ecole Program is open to candidates on a competitive basis.

It is possible to be admitted to HEM:

  • 1st year for high school graduates: All baccalaureate types are accepted (Math, Physics, Economics, Natural Sciences, etc.) and the score obtained in the HEM entrance exam overrides that of the baccalaureate.

    or directly in:
  • 2nd year for students with a baccalaureate + 1 successfully passed year in economics/management or one successful preparatory year in business
  • 3rd year for students with a baccalaureate + 2 successfully passed years in economics/management or 2 successful preparatory years in business
  • 4th year (Master 1) for students with a baccalaureate + 3 successfully passed years in economics/management


All HEM entrance exams follow the same pattern and include three components:

  • File review
  • Written tests
  • Oral Interview


Entrance exams are identical in the different HEM Campuses. They take place simultaneously and in the same way on each Campus.

The entrance exams are held in two sessions on fixed dates (June and July). A third catchup session is held in September. No waiver of any kind whatsoever is granted.


 Etre Etudiant à HEM...

Brochure Grande Ecole Program
